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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why is Seattle such a hotbed for HATE??

We live in grim times and people just keep on spreading lies and hate and targeting people here...and why won't people keep their promises to pay money owed when it's in the thousands...that's big time thievery.

C/Kristina (if this was her real name, Dino thought it was) the psychopathic blond (then 17 yo, long blond hair, glasses, may go by a different name/sex?)from the U District circa 2001 was a stalker and stalked me to Belltown. If anyone has her whereabouts turn her in please!

Why do the police keep targeting me?? I was set up by C/Kristina and I believe Ernie (he wanted to get involved control of the accounting toward the end of when he was there in a very controlling manner I believe to cook the books) was saying from the start to people I worked with that I was mean to him and I never was...polygraph me if you don't believe me. I'm nice and kind to everyone until they mess with me and am cruel to me for too long. Who lied to Crystal or got her to hate me back when we were on good terms when I was nothing but nice and a good tipper to everyone at The 5 Point Cafe and Bar--this has me mystified to this day...please help me solve this...

We saw the MOHAI exhibit on hate groups, surveillance, FBI and police corruption (some police are good I'm sure but they can't talk) and injustice and groups trying to fight for our rights and deal with corporate control and abuses. We recommend it!

No it's not in my head, people just keep spreading lies about me that I'm not right and need to leave--these are bold face lies, tell them to quit spreading lies...these people do not know me! It is a smear campaign to try to get me to move. The people involved in the smear campaign need to move!!! They should be charged accordingly for slander and conspiracy. People from the 5 Point cafe keep spreading lies like I'm stupid, or afraid to lose face, that I'm a paranoid schizophrenic--not true, all lies. Letia at Cafe Bella and Bob at City Foods have also been spreading lies for a long time. My friends and I have tried to get them to stop, they won't, we don't know what to do. This cruelty just ramps up the stress to unbearable levels. It is not in my mind, but when dealing with schizoaffective disorder and PTSD, this kind of abuse can cause me to hear things and become uncertain. It is a psychological crime for them to be allowed to do it and then to let these people spreading it thru the strreets get away with it. The system must be completely corrupt. This is an issue Bill Moyer's should deal with on his channel 9 show. They are cowards and won't talk to me about why they are doing this? Help.


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