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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Patrick Shepherd

I spent thousands and took him off the street. He came into my life at an extremely vulnerable time. I hoped some day he'd pay me back? Not so. I wonder if he really appreciated it? He admitted to me a couple times that he was a pathological liar and that he would never go back to prison. He said he do anything to make sure of that. He is a bit of a sociopath... He did some good in the beginning helping me when I was compromised and helped out with cooking. Even though I paid for most of it/if not all of it. He threw in some money and food stamps as he got assistance. A drop in the bucket compared to what I paid and did for him. But he must ruin and sabotage a good thing. I helped three others stay off the street, they were much more grateful. Most were able to get housing and make ends meet. Hoped he'd avail himself of housing and get himself a job? He didn't. He lied and told people he worked and wasn't happy. Both lies. He would lie to our mutual friends some times out of jealousy to hurt me. He was a perpetual liar. He was a perpetual thief I found out and I hoped I'd finally talked him out of it? Now that he has assistance, he may choose to drop that life. I got him a full time job with benefits (which he didn't stay with) and some small gigs for extra money and he just took it for granted... I bailed him out of a job mistake he made landscaping; really bad mistake. He became greedier and less helpful, self centered and disobeyed most of our agreed upon rules. Smoked in my room, got drunk with his friends and trashed my room and broke things--numerous times! He was just out to manipulate me and other people for his own purposes and I have no idea what he's out saying and spreading right now... Don't listen to him please. He owes me a lot of money and will lie about me to keep from paying it back.


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