Please sign this petition as a start...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Please sign this petition as a start...

I hope you will check out this website: This is but a start.

I do not want big corporate finance money buying prostitute politicians who will support their interests when "We The People" were endowed with the rights to vote in our representatives and leadership. Cap the amount of money and keep it quite limited for lobby groups. Allow the public to vote on these limits. We do not want special interest groups of multinationals (essentially faceless to the majority of the public), foreign companies and that inevitable mix, not to mention Chinese government and companies determining our future needs and rights which can be affected in a dangerous slippery slope. Eventually say goodbye to healthcare, worker's rights, national parks, farming outside of Montesanto, amendments and rights needed for the people, National Parks (destroyed for mining and coal and oil interests--imagine how happy CEO Blankenship and those like him would be), etc.), need I go on? Let's eliminate the Electoral College completely and have a direct democratic vote by absentee ballot only (no electronic voting). Yes it will take some time to count, so be it; more jobs in that process. If the public is going to "wag the dog" and breathe life back into this financially corrupt government where it's cup of greed overfloweth... Then these suggestions are more than needed. Get on board, vote and be heard!

Aaron Crosetto

1 comment:

  1. Yes - 5 men on the Supreme Court have chosen to reduce our democracy down to something unworthy of our collective dignity. This cannot stand.....must be challenged and changed for the sake of all Americans including, perhaps especially, the as-yet unborn.


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