Please sign this petition as a start...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do not embrace the New World Order. You will have to "work" within it as you will have no choice, to physically survive. But the real revolution will take place in our evolution of consciousness; we will develop outside of the box. Egos put in check, team work is key. Any physical revolution will end in a massacre by armies, police and contracted private armies.

Let your soul smile through your eyes and touch others
I am teaching myself how to find deeper and deeper levels of peace in a very hostile environment of Belltown. Look within, be a vessel for God. Not to petition God for selfish I believe many people pray for things or times when things seem dark. I understand that is a natural human thing to do. We all have. L*O*V*E is the answer; and right all our wrongs as best we can.

Enjoy nature in all its beautiful splendor!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Being and Love

"The thinking mind cannot understand Presence and so will often misinterpret it. It will say that you are uncaring, distant, have no compassion, are not relating. The truth is, you are relating but at a level deeper than thought and emotion. In fact, at that level there is a true coming together, a true joining that goes far beyond relating. In the stillness of Presence, you can sense the formless essence in yourself and in the other as one. Knowing the oneness of yourself and the other is true love, true care, true compassion."
---Eckart Tolle, A New Earth

Unconscious people--and many remain unconscious, trapped in their egos throughout their lives--will quickly tell you who they are: their name, their occupation, their personal history, the shape or state of their body, and whatever else they identify with. Others may appear to be more evolved because they think of themselves as an immortal soul or divine spirit. But do they really know themselves, or have they just added some spiritual-sounding concepts to the content of their mind? Knowing yourself goes far deeper than the adoption of a set of ideas or beliefs. Spiritual ideas and beliefs may at best be helpful pointers, but in themselves they rarely have the power to dislodge the more firmly established core concepts of who you think you are, which are part of the conditioning of the human mind. Knowing yourself deeply has nothing to do with whatever ideas are floating around in your mind. Knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind.
---Eckart Tolle, A New Earth

Friday, March 12, 2010

Just saw the film, "A Bright Star"

Excellent and heartfelt, I highly recommend it!


Rise of fascism...

We need to be vigilant and try to put an end to a corporatist state developing--vote wisely and support to start with, write into your legislature; report or try to diffuse HATE groups and supremacy groups in any guise.

Thank god for Chief Justice Earl Warren; let's try to swing the Supreme Court in that direction again...

Sad for us that the Federalist Society ever got started.
If one wants to act on behalf of human rights,
one will not be well loved~~
their well being may constantly be threatened
by the appearance of hippies or that of jack-booted thugs.
Some may consider our words subversion,
when actually we are voting our mind
with the ultimate goal of evolving thought,
an ally to the state.

Grow Orgeelle

One may admire poetry and its essence of feeling;
and yet one may have to write in code
better expressed in simple prose~~
to write truth in times when such ideas
may be considered thought crimes...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"You can't put a price tag on love, but you can on all it's accessories."

--Melanie Clark

mature love is forgiveness, kindness, getting into the heart and mostly out of the one another their space and respecting their friends (and allowing them to have friends of the opposite sex)
If you love a man, set him free. If he comes back, it means he's forgotten his laundry.

--Jasmine Birtles and aaron

This does not heal, this merchant of death...

Why does Faith send an errand boy?
Quiet and quick, unsuspecting
Brandishing cold steel
Hot like a poker
Solving nothing but a curse
upon her,
You take life
when love is the answer...
Have you learned nothing
in all your years of misguided
and manipulated HATE?

There will be lilies on your grave.
Miss Goodnight

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spread LOVE and caring instead...

Reach out to those in need. "A Heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility." ---Dalai Lama

I'm sorry for any wrongdoing I might have done, but I didn't start anything with anyone and I don't know how to get people to understand this... I'm sorry if they think I did? I tried to talk to Crystal in person and by paper and she just went on a rampage for some reason against me--to the best of my understanding??

I wish my family had not turned their backs on me and guilt me for so long; I do love them but I'm deeply hurt... Trust is at a minimum now.

Peace and love Aaron