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Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve~~

Marta and I celebrated meeting each other a year ago--enjoying a time of Handel's music "Fireworks" with the orchestra and choral singers at St Jame's Cathedral and some great laughter!

Things I chose to let go of for the next year are: unreasonable expectations toward outcomes, trying to control outcomes of stopping lies and social games, and accepting that there is only so much I can do about lies, corruption and evil in the world... The latter has overwhelmed me for more years than I can remember. Letting go of the fact my family will never understand these things and the evils and terrors I've been through while I see no end in sight. I just hope for more human rights and peace this coming year. Everyday try to reach out to at least one person.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary Baby, we will let go and hang on together : )


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