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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Letter to the legislature 4 12-10-09

These are some of the issues I hope you will support:

1. Support unions and work to close union shops as a protection against corporate abuse and greed. You are a disposeable "unit" in any corporation. It is set up for favoritism and so any one can be fired or replaced for any reason at any time. In America's history, many were hurt and died for the creation of unions. Team work and supporting each other are of utmost importance in this day and age. A business can conger or make up any reasons to fire any one; your union is pretty much your last line of self defense. What's wrong with being supportive of one another? It helps eliminate abuses by those entrenched in power niches as well. Team work without fear of unwarranted reprisals is the most efficient way a business can operate. Let's support training in working on each other's strengths and build each other's weaknesses into strengths. It will save businesses money on a cost/benefit analysis approach as well. Worker's who may try to stand up for their rights and/or sue correctly for damages may not be targeted as much down their career paths by retributive companies as well. This is also a serious issue!

2. Let's enforce and put an end to hate crimes. No more social games, slander and lies used to target innocent and good people. The poor tend to get targeted over the rich. However slander and targeting can be passed as a weapon through the business community, the streets, bars, coffee houses etc. Lawyers, as an example, have been known to leak personal information that legally must be kept private. There are other government funded bodies known to have done such things as well. this leaves targeted people with no way to defend their reputations.

3. Let's reallocate the funding intended for a new prison facility for low income housing (pay one third of your income approach). There will continue to be a greater and greater need; we can not continue to ignore this desperate need. Let's show we are on the side of humanity!

4. Let's reinstate the corporate gains tax, close offshore loopholes, and put this money as well into bolstering the very needed Basic Health Plan and allow a much greater membership with lower premiums. There is no time to waste on this issue. Can grants be aquired to help benefit this need as well?

5. Let's amend Washington's backward tax system and turn it into preferably a progressive tax or at the very least a flat tax.

6. Let's put more funding into our Seattle, King County Library system, especially in such needed times as these. When the economy is bad, increase the hours and days open, not lessen them. People will badly need these resources. Please.

7. Seattle/King County needs more hospital beds open to those struggling with mental illness; stop making them wait for many hours in the E.R.s, then send them back into a truly uncaring world when they are desperately in need of help. I've witnessed this going on now close to a decade. Enough. The weight to care for these denied individuals usually then falls on one or a few tired and weary individuals who need help in caring for these people and we can truly feel overburdened. The true measure of a society is how well they care for their elderly, children, indigent, and those struggling with mental illnesses.

8. Again, support local, small organic farming. Maybe buy less Chinese products for example, and save unecessary spending and put it toward healthy organic real food for ourselves and our children. This may help to bring big companies on board to sell and support healthy organic food. Do not support GMOs and repeal the patenting of seeds and food products. Companies like Con agra, Monsanto, Cargill, and Tyson etc. can and do target small farmers and try to sue them so they can not survive except to give into those large, bad companies and pay ridiculous fines. Small farmer's legal fees get too exorbitant to challenge these companies and the large companies will win! This is immoral and unjust. The small farmers are forced out of being able to save their seeds, etc. Let's help put in legislation that will help protect small farmers against predatory agribussinesses.

Thank you very much for listening,

Aaron Crosetto

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