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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


When we kiss the abyss
and see water reflecting beauty,
a puddle jumper blowing bubbles
rippling puddles amidst the city.
Frog jumped off his slimy heap,
nothing more rattled than a tiny branch.
Water skimmers skirting eminent splash.
A dog looks up, sideways
Lids at half mast,
spying a kitten with uncertain love.
Dog days are not all bad
you see...
Feline relaxes, pawing dandelions
while mice dance the "fated" ball;
It is time for frog to call it a day
giving a satisfied croak
while fly stood up tall.

Together a kiss so synchronous
Father Time foretold, where
someday a bullfrog bard paired
with the rapier wit of a winged sidekick
will complete this tale told...
Together hoppin' along, singin' that song
"side by side".

All life renewed again,
refreshed in a tiny gully, backyard friends,
dappled by shady trees
defeating all doubt
that Fall will be the final call
on summer's sunny ground.


  1. I love this. When will you cease to amaze me? My guess is never.

  2. Wat too kind, miss poetry master! I just like playing...


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