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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Letter to legislature 1 11-24-09

Some issues and possible ideas for solutions I wish to discuss are:

1. With gas prices set at $4 a gallon, we could take out percentages of it for national healthcare single payer system, help rebuild the infrastructure, promote green jobs and help get Americans working again (if America takes the reigns on pushing Green energy I believe the rest of the world will follow more quickly!)

2. Legalize marijuana and tax it at a high level to restore our tax coffers. All states, not just California, should get in on this one.

3. Make banks and government transparent. This is mandatory now that our government has cuddled up to Wall Street and employed them in the Administrative cabinet (ex financiers as well); require them to pay back what they owe at a fair interest rate. We are currently back in a seriously dangerous/economic bubble that will burst again, perhaps with far worse consequences.

4. Put money into mental health advocacy (our society is very ignorant about many issues related to this and its IMPORTANCE); re-start citizen oversight committees that have real power to do something, a program with teeth; rebuild free legal services for the poor because as it stands those with the money and the power can abuse their power and do so; get a "No Bullying in the Workplace" bill passed with teeth.

5. Retrain police units to understand PTSD and other causes of crime that can be prevented through proper counseling and understanding--maybe with some understanding of how Japanese Kobans operate and how they work with communities (I understand that in Japan that their society is more homogeneous than our's); many people are in prison today because of PTSD how it is still fairly misunderstood (one does not have to be a combat veteran). Education, counseling and understanding is the key. Down the road I believe it will be as big a program as AA and Al-Anon.

6. Beef up our police forces because of the growing problem with cartels and organized crime gaining power inside American borders. It's a serious issue now that will only get worse in the future.

Thank you for listening,

Aaron Crosetto

1 comment:

  1. You have some great ideas Aaron-don't give up on your beliefs-if we could take the money out of politics, we could have some free-thinking,motivated individuals such as yourself in high places.
    Thanks for sharing.


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