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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Important action and rights to be understood~~

Important action and rights to be understood~~
1. Replace Treasurer Tim Geitner with Dr. Stieglitz as soon as possible!!

2. Read and hopefully support the "Declaration of a state of emergency in 2010, by and for homeless people in Seattle and King County" and "Help us to survive & solve homelessness" and "How to get there" on the inside of the front page of the current issue of "REAL CHANGE"; this is similar to a call to arms I wrote and sent into the Mayor and legislature about a year ago...

3. Do not support businesses that condone and support hostile work environments and serious harrassment like Swedish Medical Center, the now gone Broadway Safeway, the lies and set ups to ruin careers of some hard working employees at The Science Center's Fountain's Cafe (circa 2004). Interestingly, the Manager John Kipper and supervisor Robert ? of the Fountain's Cafe were fired. But not before those hard worker's careers there were terminated for fabricated reasons. The Building Managers Jan (manipulator, game player and flim flam man) and Heather (liar and sociopathic corporate climber)of Legacy Partners (circa 2008) who worked at the Seattle Tower also lied, kept people in fear and terminated hard working people for no credible reason. Hopefully the new Real Estate owners and building managers are more fair and honest!

It's so sick how arrogance and ignorance seem to be so prevalent in the seattle business community. The common public seem to be just "sheep" and believe any gossip or social games passed on to them via other public, the streets, or so called government workers (ie., the police). Very sad and tragic!
Posted by Marta Sanchez at 2:27 PM

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