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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's your heart and awareness and willingness to act...

I did not start anything as they will tell you.
They got away with psychological murder one,
they want to send this message to everyone.
I did not manipulate anyone, however they have by the droves
They've lied while I've told the truth while I still can?
Deep down in my heart of hearts I am an innocent man.
Family and friends are too removed from this guerrilla war
to see it rages on...more subtly...spreading untruths and social games
everywhere around me.
Family and friends remain ignorant and confused thinking they
are helpless to act...
and what they can't see, they soon forget.
Convince everyone I'm crazy and nothing
and no one will listen to your awareness and reason...
If they can shut down mine/anyone's voice of reason they've won.
They will spin and manipulate other's ignorance around you.
If your lawyer's aren't good enough to stop this, people will
believe the lies of the police and ignorant community
the web they've spun...
They count on the fact you won't do enough to stop it in time.

Are you for truth? Or cowardice and the new American way...

(This is not just a rant about issues or pointless anger)

Thank you for listening,


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